About me...

When I picked up my first Olympus film camera in high school I was hooked. I thought about trying to make it a career. Instead, life went in many other directions. Wherever I went, I never lost the excitement I felt when taking a photo (or a hundred). Then one day at a friend's daughter's birthday party during my usual, excessive photo snapping, as if on assignment, I finally paid attention to the feeling in my heart and the voice in my head reminding me that I love (as in you need to do this in a serious way) the feeling of turning an ephemeral moment into something that can last forever. So, I bought a DSLR camera, took classes and practiced taking lots and lots of pictures. Now, several years later I still love to capture those special family moments!

When Iā€™m not taking photos, my husband, daughter and our dog, Sprinkles, are doing something fun all while I restrain myself from photo documenting the whole thing.  

Thanks for stopping by!

All the best,